Cluffy Wedge

The Cluffy Wedge is what we sometime add onto the front of a foot orthotic to treat functional hallux limitus. It hold the great toe in a slightly dorsiflexed position. The commercially available Cluffy Wedge is one option. Many clinicians just make their own. There is some disagreement as to if this helps functional hallux […]

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Chi Running

This a a particular approach to running technique that uses a more of a midfoot strike; more of a forward lean when running and more of a spiritual approach to running. There are many claims made about this technique being more efficient and there being less injuries associated with it. There is no evidence to […]

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Chilblains are pesky painful and itchy lesions that usually appear on the toes of those that are vulnerable to them in certain cold climates. Poor circulation is not a problem in chilblains, but it is more an issue of a to rapid change in temperature from cold to warm that triggers an abnormal response in […]

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Autism and Podiatry

At first glance its could be obvious that they have nothing to do with each other, but that is not the case. Those with Autism get foot problems, just like any other kid and they need treating, so Podiatrists have o be familiar with the condition. The other foot related problem that is common in […]

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Cancer and the Foot

Cancer is a devastating diagnosis to have. Cancer can and does affect the foot. It may be primary in the tissues that make up the foot or it may migrate to the foot from other parts of the body. The pain from cancer in the foot may mimic so many other common foot complaints. It […]

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100up Running

Runners are always looking for and edge in their training and techniques. One of these is a really old up techniques is what is known as 100 Up and was recently made popular by an article in the New York Times. While this was made popular by an author who has a huge following in […]

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A clubfoot is a birth abnormality that is reasonably common compared to other birth defects. A clubfoot is when the foot in turned downwards and inward at birth. It can be an isolated problem or part of a wider syndrome. Most cases of clubfoot respond well to a routine of stretching and casting with only […]

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Chinese Foot Binding

This was an ancient tradition, mostly in rural China, that meant that the feet of young girls were very tightly bound to prevent the foot from growing. It was very painful and disabling, but a much higher price could be demanded for a bride with smaller feet. It existed to please males. While the tradition […]

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Bunions are a very common problem. especially in females. They are due to a combination of poor foot biomechanics and poorly fitting footwear along with an inherited predisposition. The only way to make bunions go away is with surgery. All the conservative treatment can do is offer symptomatic relief, which is fine, but the problem […]

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Baxters Nerve Entrapment

While plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of pain under a heel a less common cause on a nerve entrapment, commonly called Baxters Neuritis or Baxters Nerve Entrapment. The symptoms of this is similar to plantar fasciitis and a careful assessment is needed to tell them apart. The treatment of this entrapment is usually […]

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